Saturday, May 22, 2010

Birthday Girl at 5!

This is me.
On my 5th birthday.
How sassy is that Saturday Night Fever pose?

Let's analyze the look:
Favorite Dress- stripey and nautical ( very marc jacobs!)
Shoes- white wedge (I mean, seriously!)
Haircut- bonjour to my French gamine bob!
Bling- Favorite statement plastic ring from a cereal box.

Now that I'm a year older, I think I might just put this photo up on my cork board to remind me to NEVER EVER become a fuddy-duddy grown-up.

I want to live my life with the enthusiasm and wonder of a sassy 5 year old birthday girl.

Hope you are having a great day too:)



  1. Woah! You look a lot like me, mom!
    ... Except I'm a not a cute 5 year old anymore!
    Happy Birthday! You're the best mom in the entire world + the internet+ the blogosphere!
    Hope you like the Butter Rum Birthday cake I made you. Be careful... that rum is still potent!
    ~Mini Sassy/ Sassy Spawn

  2. Thank you, sweetheart! You will always be cute to me( even when you have white hair and wrinkles! Most especially if you keep feeding me cakes with potent rum!haha! Love you, babygirl!
