Thursday, October 1, 2009

Havaianistas are Heroes!!!!!

This week is a sad week in many parts of the world. My thoughts are with our brothers and sisters in Samoa, Indonesia and the Philippines who have suffered terrible loses. Today, I am going to find a way to take action and help!

Metro Manila and some outer provinces have been devastated by Typhoon Ketsana (local name Ondoy). Havaianas Philippines immediately mobilized and sent thousands of pairs of Havaianas to relief centers ( footwear is badly needed). Not only that, those guys you see on the video are Havaianistas and amazing Filipino surfers. They continue to find creative ways to rescue and transport relief goods to those hard to get to places still inundated in water. Didn't I tell you surfers were cool?

Guys, you are true inspirations!

Good luck with all your efforts today!


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