Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lo Hei Dinner in Havaianas....

Last night, I went to a Lo-hei dinner where the dress code said: Oriental Chic.
So after racking my brains as to what that even means... and after asking A., my chic-est friend and D., my brazilian fashion designer friend, I was ready to rock and roll!

Now, the best thing about my outfit last night was my Havaianas Metal Mesh. Do you have any idea how yummy it is to go to a fancy dress affair in your Havaianas? Oh I Represented Sistahs!

And the magical thing that happened was when the lion dancers came, when those drums and cymbals were a-clanging, my feet just moved and did a little samba! That's right folks, a little carnaval at Lo-Hei!


(image: sofiacoppola)


  1. do post pics of what you wore that night .....

  2. I was in such a rush to get ready that I forgot to take pictures!!!:(
