Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spotlight: Cary Santiago

I'm thinking about my 2010 wardrobe, and I may need to make an addition of a Cary Santiago evening dress. This Filipino fashion designer is rocking my world!

Look at the details and the exquisite construction!

Oh be still my beating heart! That stripey tribal-looking but thoroughly modern dress has me in raptures.

If we really only wear 20 percent of what is in our closet 90 percent of the time, then it's high time I make sure that the 20 percent looks good on me!

Do you have expensive mistakes hanging in your closet.... you know...the ones that make you duck your head low in guilt every time you see it? You'll never wear it, because then you'll look like Joan Collins in " Dynasty", but you keep it anyway to make yourself feel better? Phew! I'm glad I'm not the only one!

This year, I am going to carefully plot, plan, edit, curate exactly what I add to my closet. An exquisite cocktail dress from Cary Santiago is definitely on the top of my YES list!

What's in your closet?


(image: Via stylesamurai)


  1. cary is now my new BFF ..... i'll show him your blog when i see him .... tsk...tsk....
