Thursday, September 17, 2009

Havaianas in Sex and the Ciy! Hello Luv-uh!

(via Fashion Indie)

For the first SATC movie, my friends came over and had pre-movie cosmpolitans at my place. We all dressed up as characters from Sex and the City . Cici, wore a blonde wig, thigh high boots and fashioned a halter out of an Hermes scarf as Samantha Jones. Kate wore a little black dress and a huge fresh flower brooch as Carrie. Christine wore something vintage and fabulous as Carrie post Mr. Big. Wendy wore a sexy little suit as Miranda and I was Charlotte- pearl necklace, headband and preppy clothes. It turns out we enjoyed our Cosmos a little too much and ended up running in our heels all the way to the theatre!
It only makes sense that a movie that's all about the Loubies and the Blahniks and the Choos would feature Havaianas. See if you can spot it in this picture....

That's right! Charlotte is holding a magazine with the Havaianas Candy Ad!

What is your favorite Sex and the City quote?

Mine is: " I like to keep my money where I can see it.... hanging in my closet!" (Carrie Bradshaw)

I am counting the hours till the 2010 premiere!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Me too, I can't wait for the next SATC movie! When the tv series ended, I felt like I just lost 4 BFFs! My fave quote would be when Mr Big was leaving and Carrie said something like : "when you're tired of New York, you take a nap-a, you don't move to Napa!" Haha!
